Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Evelyn not THAT Evelyn Waugh

In his travel journal When the Going Was Good Evelyn Waugh was taught about a beverage which I would ultimately name after him. The Moroccans taught him, he taught me, and now I teach you....



Angostura Bitters

Sugar Cube

Cayenne Pepper

Champagne Flute

Saucer / small plate

1. Pour a glass of champagne out into the flute. Put aside.
2. Pour some of the bitters onto the saucer/small plate (maybe a third of a teaspoon).
3. Lay the sugar cube in the bitters, rotating sides so each one sucks up enough bitters to turn brown.
4. Pour out some cayenne pepper, and roll the soaked sugar cube until all sides are red.
5. Drop the altered cube into the champagne glass. NOW DRINK IT.

Ta-Dah! Most glorious concoction ever. Good for a hangover, good before a hangover, good to give you a hangover. And each champagne bubble carries with it a cayenne pepper flake.

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